I got the call “Linda, do I have to sell my home?” Oh, oh! What happened?

My sweet 83 years young seller had a change of heart the day after I listed and staged her home. She called me the next morning (early) and asked me “Do I have to sell my home?” She said she couldn’t sleep all night, tossing and twirling.
Oh, dear! I told her she absolutely didn’t have to sell and that I was on my way to put everything back the way it was. Not to worry!
When I got there, I let her flow out all of her worries and fears. She told me the home didn’t look like home any longer and it really shook her up. She cried as she spoke to me. She had a small three bedroom home that was chock full of many years of collections, gifts and treasures. Her home had been listed before with no success at the same price, and I knew all it needed was basic decluttering.
Of course I reassured her all would be taken care of. No problem. I didn’t interrupt her. I just let her pour out her feelings. She needed to move to another city to be with her children. After an hour of listening to her genuine sorrow, she did the funniest thing. She turned to me with a tiny hint of a smile and said, “Linda, you didn’t stage the Master Bedroom yesterday. Could you do that now?”
Absolutely! And the home sold in 8 days at full price. She was happily on her way to be with family!
Tip: The staging helps the owner more than you think. It’s not just about the buyer. Staging helped this dear seller move forward without fear.